Saturday, 6 February 2010


to smell the delicate fragrance of a spring twilight
to hear the cries of playful gulls cavorting far above
to watch a smoky greyhound stretch out across a bright dusk sky
to see the gilt-edged clouds chase one another across the horizon

to feel the gentle kiss of the evening sun
to feel the warm sand between my toes
to taste the tart sweetness of fresh raspberries
to chase a giggling child around the flower beds

to watch the arcing shuttlecock land just inside the line
to feel the air rush through panting lungs
to smell the comforting aroma of home-made nut roast
to sink at last into a comfortable armchair

to sense the milky white glow through the bathroom window
to watch a jaunty magpie hop along the ridge tiles
to feel the heat of the hearth upon my hands
to caress the smooth grain of time-worn oak

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